How do I use the Newsletter Signup block?

Learn how to quickly collect email subscribers from your Norby landing page.

A newsletter signup block is a content block that allows visitors to your Norby landing page to enter their email address to subscribe them to your marketing emails. Once someone submits their email, their information is stored in your Norby account so you can send them newsletters in the future.

  • Note: If you are looking to collect phone numbers or other custom information use a Signup Form, instead. Check out this how-to guide for tips on getting started.

In the Landing Page Editor, navigate to the left hand side for the block editor.

  • Click the “+” to add a new block from the pop-up menu.
  • From the Content section, select Newsletter Signup.
  • From the new Newsletter Signup block, navigate to the right side of the screen to edit the Settings & Appearance of the block.
  • Within Settings, add a Title and Subtitle.
    • Next, for the message that appears after someone submits their email, add a Post-Submit Title and Post-Submit Subtitle.
    • Then, enter the text that will display on the Subscribe Button Label and upload an Image.
    • Finally, add tags to segment your audience and make it easier to identify Newsletter Subscribers in your Contacts. When it comes time to send your newsletter out, you can filter for this specific tag or the title of this newsletter sign up when choosing recipients.
  • Within Appearance, customize the look and feel of your Newsletter Signup Block by changing the font style, card colors and border sizes, button settings, and text input colors.
    • For Buttons, choose between using a Primary or Secondary button style.
    • Primary Buttons are used for CTAs like signup, register, and purchase buttons. Secondary buttons are used for other actions like sharing and adding to calendar.
    • A Text Input is a field for entering and editing text and is used for actions like filling out forms and capturing email addresses.
  • Review your edits in the preview. Publish the landing page to see your changes to Rich Text block settings take effect.

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