Can I create promo codes for ticketed events and monetized signups?

Create distinct promotional codes for each of your ticketed events and monetized signups, offering discounts to your audience. Share these codes to increase sales and provide exclusive access to valued members of your community.

Promo Code

    When creating events or signups, navigate to the Ticketing or Monetization stage to add promo codes. Keep in mind:

      • Promo codes are specific to each event or signup.
      • You can apply a discount between 1-100% off.
        • Yes, that's right! You can fully discount your tickets. This goes for both events and signups. 
      • The title of the promo code must consist of 1 to 22 alphanumeric characters, which include letters from A to Z (both uppercase and lowercase) and numbers from 0 to 9. Emojis and special symbols are not allowed.
      • When an event or signup is duplicated, the promo code settings are not carried over. You'll need to re-add your promo codes.


    To learn more about advanced customizations for ticketed events, check out Creating A New Event.