Can I import contact emails into Norby?

We currently support importing names, emails, email marketing status, and contact tags via CSV.

Import Contacts 

  1. Click on the Contacts tab on the left hand side of your dashboard. 
  2. In the top right, click on Actions and then click Import contacts. 
  3. You will then be able to import a CSV containing contact information from your device. 
  4. When the import is successfully completed, you will get a notification at the top of the Contacts page. Click out of the contacts tab and then back in to see your imported contacts. 

CSV Columns & Template 

There are currently 4 columns that you can upload via CSV into your Norby contacts. They are NAME, EMAIL, MARKETING and TAGS

  1. NAME: The name of the contact 
  2. EMAIL: The email address associated with the contact 
  3. MARKETING: 1 = yes & 0 = no. (Ex: "Yes" means they have subscribed to receive email marketing messages from you while "No" means they have not.)
  4. TAGS: If you have multiple tags, comma separate them within a single cell.
      1. If you want to upload a CSV to edit existing contacts and their tags, keep in mind that tags are additive and will not be overwritten. For example, you may have existing tags of "Podcast" and "Super Fan" so if you upload a list of contacts with tags "Book Club" and the contacts match the system will add "Book Club" and keep both "Podcast" and "Super Fan" on the contact record.

Not quite sure where to start? Feel free to click HERE to open a template we have drafted up for you. Avoid putting spaces after data in each column to ensure your upload is successful.