How do I use the HTML block?

Learn how to embed custom code into your Norby landing page.

An HTML block is a content block in the Norby landing page editor that allows you to add custom HTML code to your page. This can be useful if you want to embed custom widgets or elements that are not natively supported by Norby's other content blocks. This block is only available on a Norby paid plan. Consider upgrading to a paid plan if you would like to use the HTML block.

In the Landing Page Editor, navigate to the left hand side for the block editor.

  • Click the “+” to add a new block from the pop-up menu.
  • From the Basic section, select HTML.
  • From the new HTML block, navigate to the right side of the screen to edit the Settings of the block.
  • Within Settings, type in your code. You can use up to 10,000 characters.
  • Publish the landing page to see your changes to HTML block settings take effect.
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