How do I use the Events block?

Learn how to showcase upcoming events on your Norby landing page.

An Event block is a content block that allows you to display information about an event on your Norby landing page to collect event registrations.

In the Landing Page Editor, navigate to the left hand side for the block editor.

  • Click the “+” to add a new block from the pop-up menu.
  • From the Content section, select Event.
  • From the new Event block, navigate to the right side of the screen to edit the Settings & Appearance of the block.
  • Within Settings, select an event or create a New Event.
    • Once an event is selected, edit the Title or click Edit Details to customize additional event settings.
  • Within Appearance, your event will take on the Global Appearance Settings that were set within the original event. However, you can further customize the look and feel of how your Event Block shows up on a landing page by changing the font style, card colors, border sizes, and button settings.
    • For Buttons, choose between using a Primary or Secondary button style.
    • Primary Buttons are used for CTAs like signup, register, and purchase buttons. Secondary buttons are used for other actions like sharing and adding to calendar.
  • Review your edits in the preview. Publish the landing page to see your changes to Event block settings take effect.

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